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8 eCommerce Website Homepage Features That Will Increase Your Sales

8 eCommerce Website Homepage Features That Will Increase Your Sales

Is it possible to increase sales by capitalizing on your website’s homepage features?


An eCommerce website can help a retail store to overcome the limitations of a physical location, and generate more sales. And remember: everything starts on the homepage.

eCommerce has become one of the popular business models today. Being able to buy and sell products/services online provides a huge opportunity to build a life that you want. It’s a dependable way to build a thriving business, multiply your customer base and increase revenue.

So why do you need an eCommerce website in the first place?

1)  To attract consumers: With an eCommerce website, you have a wider reach. There’s no shortage of buyers online. And all the barriers have been lifted.

You’re no longer restricted by the limitations of your locality. With such level of visibility, you’ll grow your customer base and record consistent sales in your online store.

Of course, you still have to target a specific audience for this to work. But the opportunities are endless: social media, Google AdWords, and blogging are some of the many customer acquisition channels you have.

2)  To increase revenue: No matter the size of your business, you’ll always have a chance of generating sales and boosting revenue through your homepage. Yes, it all starts there.

People search for products and services online all the time. Don’t just see your website as a personal diary, instead use it to intentionally grow your revenue.

According to a post by Ryan Lunka, “71% of shoppers believe they will get a better deal online than in stores.”

More so, shoppers can save money when buying online, because products are usually cheaper when sold online as compared to offline.


Your homepage is one of the most valuable real estates on your website. If it’s appealing customers will stay, otherwise, they will leave.

A study by HubSpot reveals that a website with a conversion rate below 2% initially saw a 105.9% boost in conversions after a implementing some essential homepage features.

Let’s consider important homepage features that will improve your sales:

1.  Include your Contact Details on your Homepage

Including your contact details on your eCommerce website can improve your conversion rate. How?

For example, your website visitors can call you, before or after placing an order. Your response would either encourage them to stick to your website or switch to another brand.

It’s important you include your brand’s name, physical address, and phone number on your homepage.

Contact details on your website’s homepage don’t just give your customers the chance of calling you, it also shows that you’re a real business. It also sends an impulse to your customer that your brand can be trusted. If there are no details, they might start to perceive your brand as fake.

Remember you have less than 10 seconds to convert your website visitors into buyers while they are still on your homepage. If your contact details can’t be found in that time, then your website visitors are as good as gone.

2.  Value Proposition

Your website visitors should be able to figure out exactly what you are selling in 2 seconds, and whether or not you’re the ideal shopping site for them.

Dodocase.com is a perfect example of a website with a great value proposition.

When you get to the website, you’ll notice that almost all products are “handcrafted.”

You need to develop your own value proposition. Make sure that it shows on your eCommerce website homepage.

3.  Product Visuals

Images are used to draw the attention of website visitors to your products. In fact, beautiful and quality images make for a great website even for informational small business website designs.

Since people will hardly buy anything these days without seeing how it looks, product visuals become a must-have feature on your homepage.

There are times when people will buy your product, not just because they need to but because of your product packaging — which is seen in the graphics. Made.com is a good example of how product visuals can transform an eCommerce store.

Made.com’s graphics are just so real, you’ll literally imagine yourself sitting on this Sofa.

4.  Well Designed and Organized Category Pages

Your product categories should be organized so customers can easily find the right product they’re looking for without getting frustrated.

For example, Zappos.com has a well-designed category in the form of a “mega menu” and also at the left sidebar. You can borrow an idea from them.

If your customers find their favorite products easily on your website, they will come back. Of course, you should know that.

5.  Shipping Terms

Does your website offer free shipping on all orders, or for orders that start at a certain amount (say $50)?

It’s important to show your shipping terms on your website homepage. Your audience will appreciate it.

Walmart.com is one of the biggest online eCommerce websites. If they’re doing it and it’s working, you should too.

6.  Return and Refund Policy

Your return and refund policy should be clearly written at the footer or link to your policy pages somewhere on your homepage.

Buyers will shop more confidently when they know that you can accept a damaged product and refund their hard-earned money.

7.  “Hot” Products

When customers land on your homepage and see the “hot” products that they truly need, do you think they will buy?


8.  Customer Reviews and Ratings

It’s great to highlight customer reviews and ratings on your homepage. This would act as a social proof — to inspire your customers.

It will give them the impression that you have a transparent sales process, and how much you care about them.

Again, Walmart, Amazon, Aliexpress and a lot of shopping sites showcase customer reviews and ratings on the homepage. Be smart: include this on your homepage and watch how your sales will grow.

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