How to Use the New Gmail for your email marketing success

Have You Switched Over to the New Gmail Inbox Yet?
Users get different kinds of emails every day. Some from family and friends, but mostly from marketers who send them special offers and sales promotions. And when you add in the various notifications, social updates and spam mails to the mix, what you are left with is an inbox filled with clutter.
For all those who like to have an online persona, having to deal with a daily onslaught of emails is considered as part of the package. Depending on how seriously your customers takes their online presence, a user can be bombarded with a gazillion emails of anything and everything ranging from news, sports and entertainment websites, subscriptions, special offers, emails from family and friends, and then of course, how can we forget spam, the pain in our side and the reason behind most of our virtual constipation.
Dealing with all of this plus knowing that you won’t be able to get back to most of your customers in a timely manner is something that we have all grown used to and have learned to accept by now. But Google thinks otherwise, which is the reason why the search giant has rolled out its new Gmail inbox which is packed with features to end the anxiety of both the cyber busy body and the online marketer.
So, What’s the Big Deal?
The big deal is that Google has decided to[pwal id=”47639500″ description=””]
answer the prayers of millions of its users by introducing new email filtering and automatic sorting features. All the new features of Google’s new Gmail inbox are optional, so those who prefer to be more in control and don’t want their emails being analyzed to a degree have the power to choose, which is a good thing.
Gmail Auto-Arranges Your Mail:
With the recent tweaks to the Gmail inbox, Gmail can now auto organize all your incoming mail for you, how cool is that? Gmail now makes it easier for users to sort out their email by introducing auto-arrange options to their mailbox.
Apart from that, users can now easily organize all their incoming mail into groups or categories, such as, primary, social, promotions, updates and forums. The inbox will also feature a new tab which is simply called “social”. This tab will contain all the messages, alerts and notifications which a person receives from the social media sites. This feature will also include updates, follower alerts and notifications from sites such as, Facebook and Twitter.
The inbox has also introduced another group called “Promotions”. This tab will capture all the online deals and promotions that are released from online shopping sites and coupon websites. The “Updates” group will receive bills, receipts and confirmation emails, while the “forums” group will be for messages from online groups, mailing lists and discussion boards. Furthermore, the new default options are totally customizable and allow the user to drag and drop items between all five of these options.
Granted that these tweaks in the Gmail inbox are a bit more complex, in the end of the day, knowing that the new tweaks takes away the headache of sorting out an otherwise bloated inbox makes it all worth it. In the following lines we will try to break down all these new options and more which has been rolled out by Gmail and try to find out ways in which they can be used for our benefit.
Online Marketers and their Hard-Earned Leads:
In case you are an online marketer, the following information will be for you. Using the new Gmail inbox has some cool features which the online marketers can take full advantage of. First of all, Gmail is home to over four hundred million active users, which makes it an incredibly important outlet for advertisers and online marketers alike.
In the past, users were overpowered with the amount of emails that landed in their inbox on a daily basis. This took away all the power from the user as it was extremely hard to manage the amount of information that an inbox was being bombarded with. The new Gmail inbox makes it easier for users to access their emails by creating categories for each of the emails according to their usage.
This has given the power back to the user. Now by customizing their Gmail inbox, a user is able to view all their emails according to its category. This has made it even better for online marketers who depend on customers opening their emails that contain special offers, coupon promotions and discount sales.
By clicking the customized tab, a customer is able to view all the promotions and special offers sent to them by marketers, this enables the viewer to read and pay attention to what an offer is saying before they subscribe to a promotion. Apart from that, thanks to the new Gmail inbox, online marketers can expect more attention and feedback from their customers than even before.
Get Noticed:
The new Gmail has made life for its users a lot easier, but that means that online marketers now have to try even harder to get noticed, because all sales promotions and special offers will be directed to their own special tabs or groups. To compete with other online marketers and make sure that your email subscribers can always stay up-to-date with your promotions. You can do that by using a few of these tips.
The new Gmail inbox makes it easier for users to train Gmail to place emails from certain senders in specific folders. This is totally up to the user to do, so show your subscribers how the new drag and drop options in Gmail works.
The main reason why online forums and technology news sites are abuzz with the new features of the Gmail inbox is because these features are not just for the web user, but also for those your use Gmail Android and iOS apps. Accessing these new features on mobile and tablet apps has also been made easy with the use of adding large labels and swipe gestures. All these options can only be enabled by the user themselves, so, if you haven’t enabled it by now, go on the Gmail settings menu and enable it yourself.