5 Tips to Creatively do Marketing on Twitter

What Makes Twitter Hot!
When you look at the world of the internet, you find that you are being exposed to newer social media outlets, which can be effectively used to an online marketer’s advantage. The newest case in point is Twitter. Many online marketers describe Twitter as being the answer from the gods of marketing, and it’s a good chance that it’s true. So, how is it that Twitter seems to be the newest trend that business owners are chasing like excited canines chase random cars? The answer is simple, and in this article we are going to talk about what makes Twitter hot for your business.
Enter the Lead Generation Card:
Gone are the days when online visitors needed to fill out forms on a site’s landing page. Twitter has done away with that, for good. The all new lead generation card does away with the form filling, while replacing it with a clever and quicker “click.”
You can learn more about the twitter cards here https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards
After a user has clicked on “Join the Club” tab on the expanded tweet with twitter card, BAM! Your information gets sent directly to the business without the need of having to fill out a cumbersome form. The following are some of the tips which can make your life during the Twitter campaign a lot easier.
Be In-Sync:
Lead generation cards are a lot similar to landing page forms, only way quicker and easier. Use this quick system to get valuable leads and sync all the data. You can do that by, a person’s name, email address and their Twitter username. There are a few drawbacks as well, like, you won’t be able to transfer leads from the marketing automation system to your CRM because of the absence of a company name in the Lead Generation Card. You can counter that drawback by simply using their email addresses to encourage them to fill out the missing form fields whenever you send them content.
Curate Your Card:
Visuals can create an impact, especially in online marketing, use an image that represents your offer best. Change the name of the button and add a compelling product description and call-to-action.
Don’t Forget to Follow Up:
Having a follow up email is an important part of online marketing. Send a follow up email and include a link to your company’s website.
Learn to Customize:
Now that you have the leads, do you have the relevant information that your leads will be interested in. Stay away from the generic message and make sure you personalize each message you send out along with a relevant nurture campaign.
Be In-the-Know:
Remember that it’s a highly competitive world out there in the Twitter sphere, by listening to the tweets of your users and measuring your results, you will be able to have the edge on your competition.
Bottom Line:
If you are looking for a way to streamline your marketing strategy via Twitter, then the Lead Generation Card is a welcome addition to the marketing on Twitter mix. The Lead Generation Card, is only available at the moment to managed clients only. But Twitter does have plans to launch the LGC globally for both the small and medium sized businesses as well.
As a twitter marketing service provider we ensure adding many of the above strategies for our clients.